How to join a WISE-ACT Working Group
Should you be interested in contributing in one of the WISE-ACT Working Groups, please contact the Action Chair with a description of your background and interest in joining a specific WG. WISE-ACT activities are carried out within five Working Groups (WGs) to meet the Action objectives:
WG1 – Institutional and Regulatory challenges: This WG aims at conducting an extensive review and evaluation of the existing institutional, regulatory and legal frameworks driving the deployment of Autonomous and Connected Transport (ACT) services. Since it has been identified that a new legal framework is required for fully autonomous vehicles, the objective of WG1 is to identify major barriers as well as to identify efficient policy recommendations to accelerate the deployment of ACT services minimising any risks.
WG1 Leader / Co-Leader: Dr. Federico Costantini, Mr Siegfried Rupprecht
WG2 – Social Challenges: This WG aims at defining the key social challenges of ACT, namely accessibility, equity, personal security and privacy ones. Topics of interest for this WG include (but are not limited to) value of travel time under an ACT scenario and the description of principles for an inclusive and fair transport system of the future.
WG2 Leader / Co-Leader: Dr. Eda Beyazit, Dr Karel Martens
WG3 – Business challenges: ACT triggers a wide variety of business challenges, which however present high uncertainty regarding the transition period or adoption rate to name some examples. This WG will particularly focus on the innovations and benefits of ACT for the logistic sector.
WG3 Leader / Co-Leader: Prof. Graham Parkhurst, Dr Pablo Cabanelas
WG4 – Transport System: The objective of this WG is to examine the demand side by trying to understand users’ travel behaviour as well as identify the key planning principles for a successful integration of the AVs into the future transport system from the supply side.Among others, the WG aims at identifying the key economic, social, demographic, behavioural and cultural factors and barriers that determine a positive attitude of users towards AVs introduction.
WG4 Leader / Co-Leader: Dr. Ghadir Pourhasem, Prof. Yoram Shiftan
WG5 – Scenario Development & Evaluation: This WG will utilise previous simulation data to conduct analysis and inform the scenario development. Assessed impacts include traffic congestion and environmental impacts among others.
WG5 Leader / Co-Leader: Dr Claudio Roncoli, Prof. Constantinos Antoniou
All MC members of the WISE-ACT COST Action are grateful to all Working Group Leaders (WGLs) who contributed in setting up our Action and creating such a large and diverse group of international experts. According to the WISE-ACT MoU, WGLs have rotated after two years offering the opportunity of gaining valuable leadership experience to ECIs. During the 2017-2019 period, the following were WISE-ACT Working Group Leaders:
Dr Floridea di Ciommo, Dr Vasco Reis, Prof. Amalia Polydoropoulou, Dr Valentina Rappazzo, Prof. Constantinos Antoniou, Dr Vincent Armant.