Media Coverage

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Public Engagement – Varandas #66 ITS Rio – Dr Nikolas Thomopoulos

Nikolas gave a public lecture at Rio de Janeiro, which was followed up by a response of the ITS Executive Director Dr Fabro Steibel and a lively debate with members of the public. Issues covered revolved around data management and ethics, informing participants about the opportunities and challenges of ACT for Europe and Brazil. This event was organised within the Varandas series of the Institute for Technology and Society.

WISE-ACT MC2 – Dr Giuseppe Lugano

Giuseppe is an experienced COST Action participant and explains what are the benefits for researchers and other experts participating in COST Actions and WISE-ACT in particular.

WISE-ACT MC2 – Prof. Irina Jackiva

Irina discusses the opportunities offered through COST Actions and WISE-ACT in particular for Inclusiveness Target Countries and Latvia in particular. She stresses the value of combining ICT, engineering and socio-economic analysis for such multi-disciplinary topics.

WISE-ACT MC2 – Dr Marcin Stepniak

Marcin has been a Marie Curie Fellow and discusses the spatial and geographical challenges of Autonomous and Connected Transport, highlighting the benefit of taking a social approach on such a technologically advanced issue.

WISE-ACT MC2 – Dr Haraldur Sigþórsson

Haraldur is a new participant interested in finding out about Autonomous and Connected Transport developments and their implications for remote areas such as Iceland.

WISE-ACT MC2 – Prof. Maria Attard

Maria is an experienced COST Action participant and explains how WISE-ACT contributes in understanding the implications of Autonomous and Connected Transport, particularly in car dependent places such as Malta.

WISE-ACT MC3 – Dr Viktoriya Kolarova (DLR)
WISE-ACT MC3 – Prof. Cristina Pronello (UTC Sorbonne Universites) stresses the role of public transport for Autonomous & Connected Transport
WISE-ACT MC3 – Dr Domokos Esztergár-Kiss (BME) hosted the MC meeting at BME
WISE-ACT TS1 – Shelly Etzioni (Technion)
WISE-ACT TS1 – Liliana Andrei (University of Bucharest)
WISE-ACT TS1 – Adam Weiss (Technion)
WISE-ACT TS1 – Laura Boffi (University of Ferrara)
WISE-ACT TS1 – Konstantina Marousi (Univesity of Patra)
WISE-ACT MC5 – Dr Eda Beyazit-Ince (ITU)
WISE-ACT MC5 – Prof. Irina Jackiva (TSI)
WISE-ACT MC5 – Dr Ebru Dogan (VEDECOM)


Innovation News Network featuring WISE-ACT activities

The public engagement and dissemination activities of WISE-ACT featured in a Innovation News Network article focusing on whether road automation can co-exist with sustainability. Our Science Communications Co-ordinator and Chair commented based on WISE-ACT outputs, including the special sessions organised at Urbanism Next Europe 2021 and the ARTS21 by TRB. You can check the session videos above through our Video Library.

COST overview of WISE-ACT activities

The COST Association shared an overview of WISE-ACT activities focusing on sustainability, paving the way about the future of the Action.