Idea Jam 2019 Material

WISE-ACT > Idea Jam 2019 Material


Find here the Idea Jam 2019 Guidelines.

Keynote Presentation

Revisit the keynote presentation by Prof. Nick Reed of Reed Mobility.

Supplementary Material

  1. Gensler (2019) Livable growth featuring mass transit – From Leeds to LA and Bogota,
  2. Gensler (2019) Micromobility: Third lanes as the streetscape of tomorrow,
  3. Gensler (2019) Uber Elevate Skyport Concept for Drones,
  4. MaaS:CAV
  5. UK AVs Law Consultation on Passenger Services and Public Transport
  6. Onlife by Prof. Luciano Floridi
  7. Business opportunity

Suggested Reading List

  1. Alonso Raposo et al (2019) The future of road transport – Implications of automated, connected, low-carbon and shared mobility, Brussels: European Union.
  2. Bösch, P. M., F. Becker, H. Becker and K. W. Axhausen (2018) Cost-based analysis of autonomous mobility services, Transport Policy, 64 (1) 76-91.
  3. Bösch, P. M., F. Ciari and K. W. Axhausen (2016) Autonomous vehicle fleet sizes required to serve different levels of demand, Transportation Research Record, (2542) 111-119.
  4. Chapin, T., L. Stevens, J. Crute, J. Crandall, A. Rokyta and A. Washington (2016) Envisioning Florida’s future: Transportation and land use in an automated vehicle world, Technical Report, Florida Department of Transportation
  5. Cohen S.A., Hopkins D. (2019) Autonomous vehicles and the future of urban tourism, Annals of Tourism Research 74c pp. 33-42 Elsevier Masson, DOI: 10.1016/j.annals.2018.10.009
  6. Fagnant, D. and K. Kockelman (2015) Preparing a nation for autonomous vehicles: opportunities, barriers and policy recommendation, Transportation Research Part A: Policy and practice, 77, 167-181.
  7. Floridea Di Ciommo & Yoram Shiftan (2017) Transport equity analysis, Transport Reviews, 37:2, 139-151, DOI: 10.1080/01441647.2017.1278647
  8. Haboucha, C.J., Ishaq, R. and Shiftan, Y., 2017. User preferences regarding autonomous vehicles. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 78, pp.37-49.
  9. Hogan G., Dolins S., Senturk I., Fyrogenis I., Fu Q., Murati, E., Costantini F., Thomopoulos N. (2019) Can a Blockchain-Based Maas Create Business Value?, Proceedings, 28(1), 1-10, doi:10.3390/proceedings2019028001
  10. Hollander Y. (2016) Transport Modelling for a Complete Beginner, London: CTthink!
  11. Litman, T. (2018) Autonomous vehicle implementation predictions, Technical Report, Victoria Transport Policy Institute.
  12. Martens, K. (2016). Transport justice: Designing fair transportation systems. Routledge.
  13. Meyer, J., H. Becker, P. Bösch and K. Axhausen (2016) Impact of autonomous vehicles on the accessibility in Switzerland, Arbeitsberichte Verkehrs- und Raumplanung, (1177).
  14. Milakis D. (2019) Long-term implications of automated vehicles: an introduction, Transport Reviews, 39:1, 1-8, DOI: 10.1080/01441647.2019.1545286
  15. Milakis, D., Snelder, M., van Arem, B., van Wee, B. and de Almeida Correia, G.H., 2017. Development and transport implications of automated vehicles in the Netherlands: scenarios for 2030 and 2050. European Journal of Transport and Infrastructure Research, 17(1).
  16. Milakis, D., Van Arem, B. and Van Wee, B., 2017. Policy and society related implications of automated driving: A review of literature and directions for future research. Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems, 21(4), pp.324-348.
  17. Mladenović, M.N., 2019. How Should We Drive Self-driving Vehicles? Anticipation and Collective Imagination in Planning Mobility Futures. In The Governance of Smart Transportation Systems (pp. 103-122). Springer, Cham.
  18. Mladenović, M.N., Lehtinen, S., Soh, E. and Martens, K., 2019. Emerging Urban Mobility Technologies through the Lens of Everyday Urban Aesthetics: Case of Self-Driving Vehicle. Essays in Philosophy, 20(2), p.3.
  19. Pangbourne, K., Mladenović, M.N., Stead, D. and Milakis, D., 2019. Questioning mobility as a service: unanticipated implications for society and governance. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice.
  20. Pronello, C., Camusso, C. and Valentina, R., 2017. Last mile freight distribution and transport operators’ needs: which targets and challenges?. Transportation research procedia, 25, pp.888-899.
  21. Rode, P., Floater, G., Thomopoulos, N., Schwinger, P., Mahendra, A., Fang, W. (2017) Accessibility in cities: Transport and urban Form. In: Gereon, M. and Shaheen, S. (Eds.) Disrupting Mobility: Impacts of Sharing Economy and Innovative Transportation on Cities. Lecture Notes in Mobility. Springer International Publishing, pp. 239-273.
  22. SAE (2016) Taxonomy and de_nitions for terms related to driving automation systems for on-road motor vehicles, Technical Report, Society of Automative Engineers.
  23. Schaller, B. (2017) The growth of app-based ride services and tra_c, travel and the future of New York City, Technical Report, Schaller Consulting.
  24. Thomopoulos, N., Givoni, M. (2015) The autonomous car – a blessing or a curse for future mobility?, European Journal of Futures Research, 3(1), pp. 1-14.
  25. Thomopoulos, N., Nikitas, A. (2019) Special Issue Editorial: Smart Urban Mobility Futures, International Journal of Automotive and Technology Management, 19 (1/2), pp. 1-9.
  26. Whittle, C., Whitmarsh, L., Hagger, P., Morgan, P. and Parkhurst, G., 2019. User decision-making in transitions to electrified, autonomous, shared or reduced mobility. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 71, pp.302-319.
  27. Wicki, M., Guidon, S., Becker, F., Axhausen, K.W. and Bernauer, T., 2019. How technology commitment affects willingness to use AVs: Results from realistic mode choice experiment for a self-driving shuttle service. In 19th Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC 2019). STRC.
  28. Zmud J., Reed N. (2018) Synthesis of the Socio-Economic Impacts of Connected and Automated Vehicles and Shared Mobility, White Paper of the 6th EU-US Transportation Research Symposium, Brussels: European Commission.