Find here the Idea Jam 2019 Guidelines.
Keynote Presentation
Revisit the keynote presentation by Prof. Nick Reed of Reed Mobility.
Supplementary Material
- Gensler (2019) Livable growth featuring mass transit – From Leeds to LA and Bogota,
- Gensler (2019) Micromobility: Third lanes as the streetscape of tomorrow,
- Gensler (2019) Uber Elevate Skyport Concept for Drones,
- MaaS:CAV
- UK AVs Law Consultation on Passenger Services and Public Transport
- Onlife by Prof. Luciano Floridi
- Business opportunity
Suggested Reading List
- Alonso Raposo et al (2019) The future of road transport – Implications of automated, connected, low-carbon and shared mobility, Brussels: European Union.
- Bösch, P. M., F. Becker, H. Becker and K. W. Axhausen (2018) Cost-based analysis of autonomous mobility services, Transport Policy, 64 (1) 76-91.
- Bösch, P. M., F. Ciari and K. W. Axhausen (2016) Autonomous vehicle fleet sizes required to serve different levels of demand, Transportation Research Record, (2542) 111-119.
- Chapin, T., L. Stevens, J. Crute, J. Crandall, A. Rokyta and A. Washington (2016) Envisioning Florida’s future: Transportation and land use in an automated vehicle world, Technical Report, Florida Department of Transportation
- Cohen S.A., Hopkins D. (2019) Autonomous vehicles and the future of urban tourism, Annals of Tourism Research 74c pp. 33-42 Elsevier Masson, DOI: 10.1016/j.annals.2018.10.009
- Fagnant, D. and K. Kockelman (2015) Preparing a nation for autonomous vehicles: opportunities, barriers and policy recommendation, Transportation Research Part A: Policy and practice, 77, 167-181.
- Floridea Di Ciommo & Yoram Shiftan (2017) Transport equity analysis, Transport Reviews, 37:2, 139-151, DOI: 10.1080/01441647.2017.1278647
- Haboucha, C.J., Ishaq, R. and Shiftan, Y., 2017. User preferences regarding autonomous vehicles. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 78, pp.37-49.
- Hogan G., Dolins S., Senturk I., Fyrogenis I., Fu Q., Murati, E., Costantini F., Thomopoulos N. (2019) Can a Blockchain-Based Maas Create Business Value?, Proceedings, 28(1), 1-10, doi:10.3390/proceedings2019028001
- Hollander Y. (2016) Transport Modelling for a Complete Beginner, London: CTthink!
- Litman, T. (2018) Autonomous vehicle implementation predictions, Technical Report, Victoria Transport Policy Institute.
- Martens, K. (2016). Transport justice: Designing fair transportation systems. Routledge.
- Meyer, J., H. Becker, P. Bösch and K. Axhausen (2016) Impact of autonomous vehicles on the accessibility in Switzerland, Arbeitsberichte Verkehrs- und Raumplanung, (1177).
- Milakis D. (2019) Long-term implications of automated vehicles: an introduction, Transport Reviews, 39:1, 1-8, DOI: 10.1080/01441647.2019.1545286
- Milakis, D., Snelder, M., van Arem, B., van Wee, B. and de Almeida Correia, G.H., 2017. Development and transport implications of automated vehicles in the Netherlands: scenarios for 2030 and 2050. European Journal of Transport and Infrastructure Research, 17(1).
- Milakis, D., Van Arem, B. and Van Wee, B., 2017. Policy and society related implications of automated driving: A review of literature and directions for future research. Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems, 21(4), pp.324-348.
- Mladenović, M.N., 2019. How Should We Drive Self-driving Vehicles? Anticipation and Collective Imagination in Planning Mobility Futures. In The Governance of Smart Transportation Systems (pp. 103-122). Springer, Cham.
- Mladenović, M.N., Lehtinen, S., Soh, E. and Martens, K., 2019. Emerging Urban Mobility Technologies through the Lens of Everyday Urban Aesthetics: Case of Self-Driving Vehicle. Essays in Philosophy, 20(2), p.3.
- Pangbourne, K., Mladenović, M.N., Stead, D. and Milakis, D., 2019. Questioning mobility as a service: unanticipated implications for society and governance. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice.
- Pronello, C., Camusso, C. and Valentina, R., 2017. Last mile freight distribution and transport operators’ needs: which targets and challenges?. Transportation research procedia, 25, pp.888-899.
- Rode, P., Floater, G., Thomopoulos, N., Schwinger, P., Mahendra, A., Fang, W. (2017) Accessibility in cities: Transport and urban Form. In: Gereon, M. and Shaheen, S. (Eds.) Disrupting Mobility: Impacts of Sharing Economy and Innovative Transportation on Cities. Lecture Notes in Mobility. Springer International Publishing, pp. 239-273.
- SAE (2016) Taxonomy and de_nitions for terms related to driving automation systems for on-road motor vehicles, Technical Report, Society of Automative Engineers.
- Schaller, B. (2017) The growth of app-based ride services and tra_c, travel and the future of New York City, Technical Report, Schaller Consulting.
- Thomopoulos, N., Givoni, M. (2015) The autonomous car – a blessing or a curse for future mobility?, European Journal of Futures Research, 3(1), pp. 1-14.
- Thomopoulos, N., Nikitas, A. (2019) Special Issue Editorial: Smart Urban Mobility Futures, International Journal of Automotive and Technology Management, 19 (1/2), pp. 1-9.
- Whittle, C., Whitmarsh, L., Hagger, P., Morgan, P. and Parkhurst, G., 2019. User decision-making in transitions to electrified, autonomous, shared or reduced mobility. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 71, pp.302-319.
- Wicki, M., Guidon, S., Becker, F., Axhausen, K.W. and Bernauer, T., 2019. How technology commitment affects willingness to use AVs: Results from realistic mode choice experiment for a self-driving shuttle service. In 19th Swiss Transport Research Conference (STRC 2019). STRC.
- Zmud J., Reed N. (2018) Synthesis of the Socio-Economic Impacts of Connected and Automated Vehicles and Shared Mobility, White Paper of the 6th EU-US Transportation Research Symposium, Brussels: European Commission.